
Lecture 16 SCI250

Trash Stats

  • Average American (Canadians are probably similar) generates 4lbs (2kg) of trash per day
  • Packaging is ~65% of household trash
  • Average college student produces 640 lbs of solid waste per year, including ~500 disposable cups and 320 lbs of paper
  • North America has 8% of the world’s population but produces half of the world’s nonorganic trash
  • Most communities are spending more on waste management than schoolbooks, fire, libraries and parks
  • In USA: Household, industrial, agricultural, mineral waste
    • 4 billion tons of solid waste (~800,000,000 Elephanst)
    • 40 billion gallons of sewage wastewater per year (~80,000 Olympic pools)

Type of Waste


Any unwanted material or substance that results from human activity or process.

  1. Municipal solid waste = non-liquid waste that comes from homes, institutions, and small businesses
  2. Industrial solid waste = waste from production of consumer goods, mining, agriculture, and petroleum extraction and refining
  3. Hazardous waste = solid or liquid waste that is toxic, chemically reactive, flammable, radioactive, or corrosive
  4. Wastewater = water used in a household, business, or industry, as well as polluted runoff from our streets and storm drains


  • Solid waste
  • Municipal waste disposal
  • Reducing solid waste volume
  • Toxic-waste disposal
  • Sewage treatment
  • Radioactive waste

Major sources of solid waste in USA & Canada

  • Agriculture: crops and animals; more than 50% of solid waste
  • Mineral industry: spoils, tailings, slag, other rock/mineral waste; major source
  • Other industry: highly toxic; minor compared to others
  • Municipalities: very visible; minor compared to others

Solid Wate - Agricultural

Over half our waste is from agriculture:

  • Animal production - manure, bedding
  • Food and meat processing - bits we don’t eat
  • Crop production - harvest waste
  • Horticultural production - landscaping
  • Industrial agricultural (e.g., wood processing)
  • Chemical wastes - herbicides, pesticides

Solid Waste - Mining

In Canada, mining waste >30 times that from household + municipal + industry

  • 1 ton of iron 3 tons of waste
  • 1 ton of copper, nickel, zinc, lithium or graphite 20 to 200 tons of waste
  • 1 ton of platinum group elements, rare earth elements, or gold more than a million tons of waste

But waste can be valuable: Conservative estimate of ~$10 billion in total metal value remains in Canada gold mine waste.

Solid Waste - Industrial

Industrial waste NOT from mining:

  • Together all of this is only a few percent of the total mining and agriculture waste
  • Chemicals > paper > food

Municipal Waste

How to dispose of municipal waste?

Three options:

  1. Landfills
  2. Incinerate
  3. Compost/Recycle

Municipal Waste Disposal

Open dumps: easy and cheap method

  • But are gross, smelly, attract animals, are fire hazards, leach chemicals, and erode
  • Illegal in USA since 1976 but hundreds of thousands still operating
  • Main source of disposal in much of developing world

Sanitary Landfills: compacted trash is laid down and covered by layer of soil each day

  • Most municipal waste disposed of this way
  • Use valleys or abandoned pits or surface mines
  • When full, covered by thick layer and repurposed
    • Parks, pasture, parking lots, ski hills, golf courses, solar
    • Nothing that needs to be excavated to build

Waterloo Landfill (across from Costco)

  • Opened in 1972 and is only operating landfill in Waterloo Region
  • 126 hectares and includes recycling facility
  • Expected to reach capacity in 15-20 years

Landfill Gas

  • Oxic: and ; Anoxic: and
  • Usually vented or burned off
  • captured for natural gas

More than 40 operational projects in Canada collect landfill gas and convert it into energy.


Water containing dissolved chemicals from landfill can contaminate ground/surface water

  • Problems in old landfills without impermeable layering at bottom
  • Or problem if water table reaches base of landfill
  • Now we build over bedrock or low permeable layers or line with impermeable material or clay
  • To avoid spillover to surroundings (‘bathtub affect’) must not allow accumulation of leachate in landfill
    • Build with low permeable layers below and above landfill
    • Can pump out leachate or use plants to take up chemical-laden water (but not for crops)

Proper sanitary landfilling is complex

Landfills requires space

  • Rule of thumb: One acre (half a soccer pitch) filled 3m deep per year for 10,000 people
    • Toronto: 6,255,000 people 625 acres or > 300 soccer pitches
  • USA produces 250 million tons of trash PER YEAR
    • About 50,000,000 elephants
  • Most sites were opened in 70s & 80s
  • Harder to find new sites
    • NIMBY - not in my backyard
    • NIMFYE - not in my front yard either
    • NIMEY - not in my election yaer
    • NOPE - no on planet earth
  • People: landfill ration increasing


  • Solves space issue but releases pollutants
    • Everything
    • Plastics chlorine gas, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen cyande
    • Organic matter
  • Technology has improved
    • Higher temperatures breakdown complex organics into just and
    • But toxic elements like mercury or lead may still be released
  • Only combustibles should be burned, like paper and wood, and can be used as a source of heat
    • Many countries adopted this practice and growing in popularity elsewhere

Ocean dumping

  • Used to be popular (80% of NYC trash went into oceans and lined the shores)
  • Still done to some degree either after incinerating or without burning, but has waned
  • Hazardous chemicals often treated this way
  • Banned sewage and industrial waste dumping in USA in 1991
  • Dredge spoils (sediments dredged from reservoirs and waterways)
    • Still allowed to dump 200 million tons/year
    • Pollutants very possible

Reducing Solid-Waste Volume

  • Try other ways to reduce waste first
  • Disposal is last resort
  • Compaction helps reduce volume, but…
    • Lose anything recoverable
    • Slows organic matter decomposition, which is already slow in dry landfills

Organic Matter

  • Composting household and yard waste produces fertile soil
  • USA - 60% of yard waste is composted
    • Household waste - by individuals mostly
  • Some towns and countries compost on a municipal level

Recycling Glass

  • Glass can spend a million years in a landfill
  • All provinces, except Nunavut and Ontario only alcohol

Recycling Paper

  • One of easiest to recycle but best when single type
  • Saves landfill space, trees, water, and energy (i.e., gasoline)

Recycling Rates

  • USA – 65% of all paper
  • Canada – 25% of all paper
  • Both countries recycle 85-90% of their cardboard

Recycling Plastic

  • Plastics are durable and breakdown only at high temperatures
  • Most plastics marked with symbol for easy separation
  • Not often used for same product after recycling
    • Repurposed into piping, stuffing for upholstery, carpet fiber, trash bags, plastic lumber
    • More research into other uses – pillows, clothing, fiberglass

  • Construction and demolition debris (concrete, asphalt, metal) can be repurposed in new construction
  • Waste exchanges, e.g., Canadian Waste Materials Exchange, supports the exchange between states, provinces, companies
  • E-waste/E-cycling – electronics have toxic elements (lead, cadmium, mercury)
  • Mostly goes to South and East Asia

Toxic-Waste Disposal

  • Toxic-waste is often liquid
    • Concentrated, highly-toxic by-product of industry

Previous Methods

  • Dilute-and-disperse: belief that toxins are less toxic when dilute
    • E.g., ocean dumping
    • Not the case with many chemicals and bioaccumulation in food chain likely
  • Concentrate-and-contain: leads to disasters
    • Buried in pits or trenches or metal/plastic boxes in landfills
    • Example, Love Canal, New York: near Niagara Falls

Secure Landfills

  • Hole lined with plastic and/or clay
  • Toxic waste in drums
  • Wells drilled for monitoring
  • But they still do leak

Deep-Well Disposal

  • Need porous and permeable rock (e.g., sandstone or fractured limestone) bordered by low-permeability layers (e.g., shale)
  • 100s to 1000s m deep, below water table
  • Assume lateral movement is so slow that chemical will be diluted by the time it reaches an aquifer
  • Costs similar to secure landfill but sites are more limited
  • Earthquakes can happen

Other types

  • Furnaces to burn it
  • Chemical treatments
  • Waste exchange

Sewage Treatment

Need to treat our wastewater before it mixes with surface or groundwater

  • Why? Prevent oxygen depletion, algal blooms, and spread of pathogens

Septic Systems

  • Solids settle in tank

  • Liquid seep into leaching field (soil adsorption field) where organic matter and some pathogens broken down by microbes

  • Chemical and particulates filtered out and broken down

Geologic requirements for a septic system

  • Soil must have certain permeability
  • Water table must be well below
  • ~60 cm of topsoil and 150 cm below
  • Not within 15 m of surface water

Size requirement for a septic system

  • Size determined by soil permeability and number of people using it
  • Determined by city
  • Not suitable for high population densities

Municipal Sewage Treatment:

  1. Primary is physical treatment
  2. Secondary is biological treatment
  • These stages reduce solids and DOM by 90%, N by 50%, P by 33%
  1. Tertiary is costly and uncommon (few % in USA)

Waterloo Region has 13 wastewater treatment plants that process 155 million liters of water per day (~3600 swimming pools)

Treated sewage water can be used

  • Drinking water
  • Irrigation
  • Recharge marshes or ponds
  • Fish hatchery
  • Recharge geothermal reservoir

Sludge needs to be dealt with

  • Fertilizer for parks, athletic fields, golf course, but not crops
  • Landfilled
  • Burned

Global average: 52% of sewage treated but heavily varies. In some countries, 90% ends up in surface water.

Radioactive Waste

  • Radioactive isotopes with half-lives of years to 100s years are most dangerous
  • Long or short half-lives are usually not (e.g., U-238 @ 4.5 billion years)
  • Unless toxic, like Plutonium-239 (24,000 years), or they are concentrated naturally in our own systems:
    • Iodine-131, 8 days, in thyroid gland
    • Iron-59, 45 days, hemoglobin in blood
    • Cesium-137, 30 years, nervous system
    • Strontium-90, 29 years, bones, teeth, milk

  • 86-90% of radioactive waste is low level and taken care of on-site or at a containment facility
  • Released to environment or landfills when radiation levels are low
    • E.g., gases, liquids from laundry or cleaning, solids from fibers
  • Remaining 10% is high level radioactive waste and is the hazard
  • Spent (used) fuel (also called fuel rods) and by-products of fabrication and reprocessing are the biggest sources of radioactivity

Nuclear ‘fuel’ is made of ceramic pellets of enriched uranium that are packed into metal rods

USA has a total of 83,000 metric tons of spent fuel in 76 sites in 34 states

  • Can fit in one football field (90x50m) to a depth of 30ft (10m)
  • USA would have the most spent fuel that needs to be stored based on country-specific production

Historical suggestions:

  • Rocket into space with a (hopefully) successful launch
  • Melt its way into Antarctic ice and be covered again by ice
  • Carried to mantle via subduction in a seafloor trench
  • Sinking them into stable clays of the deep-sea floor*
    • *Was being looked into the most in the 1980s but nothing since

Liquid High-Level Waste

  • Currently stored in cooled underground tanks that leak
  • Hanford facility in Washington state
    • 50 million gallons, of which 1 million has leaked into Columbia River and costs $2 billion per year to remediate
  • Caverns in low-permeability, unfractured igneous rocks better option
    • But cannot guarantee the geologic stability of the rock and liquids migrate
    • Solidifying the liquids then storing this way is what is being considered

Solid High-Level Waste

  • Multiple barrier concept in a secure bedrock formation
    • Granite: strong, table, low porosity, insoluble minerals but can fracture
      • USA, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Japan testing granite
    • Thick basalts: strong when fresh and unfractured, can withstand and disperse heat, but can contain porous zones and weathers easily
    • Massive deposits of tuff – from past pyroclastic volcanic eruptions
    • Shale or other clay-rich sedimentary rocks – adsorb well, low permeability, but fracture readily and decompose at elevated temperature
    • Salt – high melting point, low porosity and permeability, flows plastically, but would need to be in a dry environment