Move Assignment Operator
Seen in CS247 - Software Engineering Principles, here’s an example:
Node& Node::operator=(Node&& other) {
return *this;
Move Constructor vs. Move Assignment Operator
A a("Hello");
A c("World");
A b = std::move(a); // Move constructor is called to transfer resources from 'a' to 'b'
a = std::move(c); // Move assignment operator is called to transfer resources from 'c' to 'a'
Move Constructor is invoked when a new object is being initialized with an rvalue.
Move Assignment Operator is called when an already initialized object a
is being assigned an rvalue.
In both cases, the move operations are used to take advantage of movable resources, such as dynamically allocated memory or expensive-to-copy objects. By moving resources instead of making copies, it can result in improved performance and reduced overhead.