1. Recognition

2. Finite Languages

Is a finite set of words. Can use a recognition algorithm to compare the input word with each. Not efficient for larger languages.

3. Regular Languages

Definition: Regular Language

  1. It is the empty language, {}, or the language consisting of the empty word, {epsilon}.
  2. It is a language of the form {a} for some a part of Sigma.
  3. It is a language built using the union, concatenation or Kleene star of two regular languages


Use state diagrams to represent regular languages. For each state, there is only one transition on a given symbol, incorrect to define transitions from a state on the same symbol to more than one state. = there is no choice

DFAs are used in the Scanning stage of a compiler, where the input is a sequence of charactes representing the program and the output is a sequence of tokens.

Compilers will often tokenize using a simpler DFA and then programmatically weed out invaid words.


4. Scanning

Recognition is no the same as scanning. While recognition determines whether a string is a single word in the language, scanning is the process of taking a string and breaking it into words that are in the language.