Basic commands

Some QNX Neutrino commands: (Very similar to Linux)

If you want to:Use
Determine current directorypwd
Change directorycd
List contents of a directoryls
Rename (move) files and directoriesmv
Delete (remove) filesrm
Copy files and file hierarchiescp, scp, pax
Create directoriesmkdir
Remove directoriesrmdir, rm -rd
Concatenate and display filescat
Determine how much free space on filesystemdf
Display output on page-by-page basisless or more
Find files based on search criteriafind
create hard and symbolic linksln
Create a “tape archive”tar or pax
Extract files from a .tar filetar
Extract files from a .tar.gz or .tgz filepax -r or tar -xzf filename

Cosmo was talking about ln how he messed up with the toolbox today (September 18, 2023)