Proposititional logic


  • Semantics means “meaning”.
  • Semantics relate two worlds. -n Semantics provide an interpretaiton (mapping) of values in one world to values in another world. They are often a funciton from expressions in one world to expressions in another world.

It’s a goal when we are asking the question “is it a theorem?“. It’s a theorem when we know it is valid.

The semantics of a logic defines the meaning of formulas in the logic leading to a definition of the symbol: (entails or valid or semantic entailment). is a meta-symbol (meaning not a symbol that can be used in a formula of the logic but a symbol about formulas in the logic).


  1. Boolean valuations
  2. Truth tables
  3. Satisfiability, tautologies, contradictions, contingent formulas
  4. Logical implication
  5. Logical equivalence
  6. Consistency

Boolean Valuations

Definition: A Boolean valuation (BV) is a function from the set of wffs in propositional logic to the set Tr = {T, F}. The semantics of propositional logic are described using BV. The [] is a function mapping syntax to its value.

When describing a BV, we only need to describe the association of truth values with the proposition symbols.

  • Ex:

Truth Tables

Describes the meaning of a formula in all Boolean valuations.


Definition: A formula P is satisfiable if there is a Boolean valuation such that [P] = T. A formula is satisfiable if its truth table has some T’s in the last column.


Definition: A propositional formula P is a tautology (or valid) if [P] = T for all Boolean valuations. A tautology is a formula that is T for all truths values of the proposition symbols used in the formula. The last column of the truth table for a tautology contains all T’s.

If a formula Q is a tautology, we write: Q ,“entails Q”.

Logical Implication

Definition: A formula P logically implies a formula Q if and only if for all Boolean valuations, if [P] = T then [Q] = T. P Q “P entails Q” or “P logically implies Q”. Definition: A set of formulas P1, P2, …, Pn logically imply a formula Q if and only if for all BV, if [P1] = T and [P2] = T, …, [Pn] = T then [Q] = T. P1, P2, …, Pn Q


Definition: A propositional formula A is a contradiction if [A] = F for all BV.


Definition: A contingent formula is one that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction. It has a mixture of Ts and Fs in the column representing the formula in the truth table.


We can use TT to determine if formula is satisfiable, a tautology, a contradiction or a contingent formula.

FormulaLast column of TT
contradicitonall Fs
tautology ()all Ts
satisfiableat least one T
contingentat least one T and at least one F

Logical Equivalence

Definition: Two formulas, P and Q are logically equivalent if and only if all BV, [P] = [Q].


Definition: A collection of formulas is consistent if there is a BV in which all the formulas are T.