Final Revision 3B


  • Morning: Open the answer key, look at it
    • understand in detail the answer, steps, internalize it
  • Wait for 4 hours
    • eat breakfast, shower, go to gym, do whatever
  • Do the problems
    • for the problems you canā€™t solve, use a red pen to draw a star, go back to answer key to look at answer, and do it immediately
    • finish doing all the problems
    • go back to all the red pen star questions, redo all of them again
  • Note down everyday how many questions with red star I have
    • number of them should go down


  • the tutorial questions
  • midterm
  • final practice


  • final practices
  • midterm practices
  • assignments


  • do all the textbook problems
  • understand all the topics on the summary sheet
  • redo homework problems
  • practice finals
  • redo midterm

Emilyā€™s plan:

Read all ece358 notes beforehandšŸ«” 

2:30pm - 5:30pm: tut 1 - 4 
7:30pm - 9:30pm: tut 5 - 7 

10:30am - 12pm: tut 8 - 9 
2:30pm - 3:45pm: redo ece358 midterm 
4pm - 5:15pm: f19 midterm 
8pm - 9:15pm: w19 midterm 

10:30am - 12:30pm: redo hard tut qs 
2:30pm - 5:30pm: last revision for ece358 
7:30pm - 9:30pm: ece358 final:triumph: 

Read all se380, cs343, + se464 notes over the wkndšŸ’— 

10:30am - 12pm: redo se380 midterm 
2pm - 6pm: E2.2 E2.6 E2.16 E2.19 E3.2 E3.6 E3.10 E4.3 E4.10 E4.15 E5.19 CP5.1 
8pm - 10pm: E6.1 E6.4 E6.11 E6.14 E6.23 E6.26 P6.21 

10:30pm - 12pm: se464 study 1 - 3 summaries 
2pm - 6pm: E7.1 E7.16 E7.26 E7.27 E8.1 E8.4 E8.7 E8.15 E9.1 E9.7 E9.24 E9.33 
8pm - 10pm: E10.1 E10.7 E10.20 E11.1 E11.12 

10:30pm - 1pm: cs343 f22 final 
3pm - 5:30pm: cs343 w24 final 
8pm - 9pm: se464 study 4 - 5 summaries 

10am - 11:30am: last revision for se380 
12:30pm - 2:30pm: se380 finalšŸ‘¹ 
4pm - 6pm: redo cs343 midterm 
8pm - 9:30pm: se464 study summaries 

10am - 11:30am: last revision for se464 
12:30pm - 3pm: se464 finalšŸ’ƒšŸ» 
7pm - 9:30pm: last revision for cs343

9am - 11:30am: cs343 finalšŸ¤©