Miklos Rosza
Like Steiner born in the 1900s
- Hungarian
- Mother is a classical pianist
- Studies in Leipzig and Paris
- Successful career as composer
- At the suggestion of Arthur Honergger(part of les six in France), Rosza goes into film scoring (1934)
- Starting the sound of , use of dissonance. - First composer to introduce dissonance into film scores
- Does some film work in England, 1934-1939 The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
- gets know in England
Jungle Book (1942):
(first soundtrack released on record in the U.S.)
Double Indemnity (1944)
(watch it sometime, plot is interesting)
- Film noir
- short themes - unpredicatable - unsetlling
- greater use of dissonance
- moving away from clear tonality → Video Example: Double Indemnity Saves music to when The woman comes in, moving away from major scale jumping out theme, ugly people doing vicious things, music is reflecting the darker level of characters Paramount said: sounds like concert hall music(Carnegie: does more and more dissonance in music)
Spellbound and The Lost Weekend (1945)
Film Noir
- Both nominated for Academy Awards (SB won).
- Both films are psychological in nature, dealing with disturbed characters.
- Both used the Theremin.
- One of the first times we see the use of an electronic instrument in a film score.
- Theremin Virtuoso Clara Rockmore video playing it.
- i dropped my jaw
Spellbound theremin
theremin plus love scene
The Lost Weekend (1945)
Video Example: Lost Weekend
- Transition from consonance to dissonance
- First at the bar , the bartender tolds him his main character should off himself, but Burnam refutes and says he’s going back to write it.
- love theme, positive music
- dramatic scene in apartment, slowly deteriorates, unsettling up to battle music sort of.
- playing struggle of main character Burnam looking for alcohol, panic, battle in his head
- steals money to pay for a bill for alcohol at the bar
- pop piano music in the background, only source music, don’t make the scene dramatic and big however, makes him pathetic.
- gets caught
- music stops
- The theremin
Introduction of dissonance