Code Generation (Compiler)
In computing, code generation is part of the process chain of a compiler and converts intermediate representation of source code into a form (e.g., machine code) that can be readily executed by the target system.
11/10 Warm-up Problem: Define using our shorthand, code(term1 → term2 STAR factor)
- code(term2)
+ push($3)
+ code(factor)
+ pop($5)
+ mult $5, $3
+ mflo $3
No better solutions for lvalues.
Generating Code for Print Statement
WLP4 rule: statement → PRINTLN LPAREN expr RPAREN SEMI
Code reuse A compiler mixes the code it outputs with code from runtime environment.
MERL for linking purposes. gcc is only a compiler drivers.
Using print
.import print in prologue to use it. Think of it as a label. Just like any other procedure, call print using the jalr instruction which overwrites register 31.
code(println(expr);) =
+ code(expr)
+ add $1, $3, $0
+ push($31)
+ lis $5 + .word print
+ jalr $5 + pop($31)
+ pop($1)
Control-Flow Statements
Convention: Store 1 inside $11 (For true and false purposes) Now prologue is even longer…
; Prologue
.import print
lis $4
.word 4
lis $10
.word print
list $11
.word 1
sub $29, $30, $4
; end Prologue and begin body
; space for variables
; translated WLP4 code
; end body and begin epilogue
add $30, $29, $4
jr $31
If Statements
Rule: statement → IF (test) (stmts1) ELSE (stmts2) Use labels
11/15 Lecture 18 Warm up Problem Informally how would we generate code for a switch statement?
code(switch (expr){…})
int wain(int *a, int b){
int *c = NULL;
int ret = 0;
c = new int[b];
if(c < a){
ret = a - c;
ret = c - a;
return ret;
Code generation:
; code(c = new int[b])
; code(new int[b])
; code(b)
lw $3, -4($29)
add $1, $3, $0
lis $5
.word new
jalr $5
bne $3, $0, 2
add $3, $11, $0
sw $3, -8($29)
; code(if(T){S1} else {S2})
; code(c - a)
; code(c)
lw $3, -8($29)
; push($3)
sw $3, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4 //decrement stack pointer
; code(g)
lw $3, 0($29)
; pop($5)
add $30, $30, $4
lw $5, -4($30)
sltu $3, $5, $3
; if(T) {S1} else {S2}
; code(T)
beq $3, $0, else1
; code(ret = a -c)
; code(a - c)
lw $3, 0($29)
sw $3, -4($30)
sub $30, $40, $4
; code(c)
lw $3, -8($29)
; pop($5)
add $30, $30, $4
lw $5, -4($30)
sub $3, $5, $3
div $3, $4
mflo $3
sw $3, -12($29)
beq $0, $0, endIf1
; code(ret = c - a)
lw $3, -8($29)
sw $3, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
lw $3, $3, 0($29)
add $30, $30, $4
lw $5, -4($30)
sub $3, $5, $3
div $3, $4
mflo $3
sw $3, -12($29)
lw $3, -12($29)
Could optimize when we sw what’s in 29) and lw from -12(3. Print which production rule we are in when debugging.
Warm up Problem
11/17/22 Given that NULL is 1 in WLP4, how can we using only WLP4 code cheat and get a pointer to 0 anyways?
int *a = NULL;
int *b = NULL;
int c = 0;
b = 8c;
b = b-(b-a)-1;
*b = 0 + ...;
saving registers and restoring
beq $0, $0, wain
;int add(int a, int b){
sub $29, $30, $4 //getting $29
; int c = 0;
; code (int c = 0)
lis $3
.word 0
sw $3, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
;push registers
; c = a * b;
;code(c = a * b)
; code (a)
lw $3, 8($29)
sw $3, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
lw $3, 4($29)
add $30, $30, $4
lw $5, -4($30)
add $3, $5, $3
sw $3, 0($29)
;return c;
lw $3, 0($29)
;retor registers
add $30, $29, $4
jr $31
;int wain(int a, intb){
sub $29, $30, $4
;prologue: init $4, $10, $11; call init; savge arguments
; return add(a, b);
; code(add(a,b))
; push ($29), push($31)
sw $29, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
sw $31, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
; code (expr1 -> a)
lw $3, 0($29)
; push ($3)
sw $3, ;04($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
;code(expr2 -> b)
lw $3, -4($29)
; push($3)
sw $3, -4($30)
sub $30, $30, $4
lis $5
.word Fadd
jalr $5
; pop arguments
add $30, $30, $4
add $30, $30, $4
add $30, $30, $4
lw $31, -4($30)
add $30, $30, $4
lw $29, -4($30)
;epilogue unchanged...
jr $31