Greedy Algorithms
A greedy algorithm constructs a solution to the problem by always making a choice that looks the best at the moment.
- Greedy algorithms are usually very efficient
- The difficulty is find a greedy strategy that always produces a global optimal solution to the problem
- Often difficult to argue that a greedy algorithm works
- An algorithm that, while executing, selects only the information that meets a certain criteria.
- The general five components, taken from Wikipedia:
- A candidate set, from which a solution is created.
- A selection function, which chooses the best candidate to be added to the solution.
- A feasibility function, that is used to determine if a candidate can be used to contribute to a solution.
- An objective function, which assigns a value to a solution, or a partial solution.
- A solution function, which will indicate when we have discovered a complete solution.
What you need to know
- Used to find the expedient, though non-optimal, solution for a given problem.
- Generally used on sets of data where only a small proportion of the information evaluated meets the desired result.
- Often a greedy algorithm can help reduce the Big O of an algorithm
Pseudo Code of a Greedy Algorithm to Find Largest Difference of any Two Numbers in an Array
This algorithm never needed to compare all the differences to one another, saving it an entire iteration.