Peer Reviewing Bel Your mannerism, delivery of this speech and the persuasion strategies you used contributed greatly to the point and purpose you wanted to get across. More specifically three aspects caught my eyes as the audience, your strong introduction with a wonderful attention getter, your credibility and well researched topic and at the end, the solution you proposed to not promote inequalities with the whole system of gifted children in Ontario.
Fistly, you start off really strong with a specific personal anecdote about how you were introduced to the gifted program that smoothly connects to the central idea of your speech. That is the flaws and the inequalities that the gifted education instills upon students through your own experience and extensive research on the topic. By drawing relevant personal stories to support your ideas which is exaclty what the article The Strategy of Persuasion deems effective, you were able to motivated the audience, at least me, to continue listening to what you have to say about it which is also mentioned as a stretegy in the article Speeches to Inform on page 210. In fact, you’ve noticed the way teachers or the whole system selects gifted children to be innefective and inacurate as well as how the resources are wrongly used to support students. Which I have been totally convinced after your speech.
Secondly, your credibiity as well as your mastery of the topic also convinced me that you were indeed correct and made me care about your topic. You mentioned that the children who were selected through teadcher identification into the program were predomenantly white and upper class. You immediately backed this statement with studies which support your claim. You’ve correctly utilized those researches to instill a value in me. In particular, you’ve persuaded the audience that this is an existing problem as the article Strategy of Persuasion listed as a type of influence called Instill. That was well executed on your part. You continued on by demonstrating that resources are mostly put into schools and towards students with previliged.
Thirdly, you might have repeated yourself and lost your train of thought during the speech, you came back strong and finished your presentation by proposing a solution that will ultimately put an end to the inequalities students might suffer from this system of gifted children in Ontario. You presented strong well thought out solutions such as giving more choice to the students by diversifying the curriculum, also to support all children equally in the classrooms despite their background or abilities. What you proposed were logical which is a very good persuasive speaking stretegy mentioned in The Stretegy of Persuasion.
In conclusion, it was an overall eye opening speech, original in its content and utilized some great stretegy in order to persuade the audience. Good job!