Entity-Relationship Model

Captures Metadata in terms of:

  • Entities
  • Attributes
  • Relationships

Graphical annotation:

  • Entities labeled with rectangles
  • attributes with circles
  • relationships with a diamond
  • double rectangle on existence dependencies entities
  • dashed lines for weak attributes entity set
  • Specialization:


We need role names whenever a component.

Four varieties of integrity constraints in an ER commonly expressed with graphical annotations:

  • primary keys: identifies
  • binary relationship types: (N:N), (N:1), (1:N), (1,1)
  • existence dependencies: entities that needs another entities that exist (double on an entity set)
  • general cardinality constraints: puts a lower and upper bound on number of relationships

EER Modelling

Attributes have attributes of their own

  • Structured Attributes: Attributes have attributes of their own, multiple attributes
  • Aggregation: the big rectangles - relationship can be aggregated to enable its relationships to be
  • Specialization: entities that have their own subclass entities
  • Generalization: Covers, entities that have a leas one of two or more other entity sets subsets.
  • Disjointness: Overlaps,


Design Methodology

  • When to introduce an attribute versus an entity set.
  • When to introduce an entity set versus a relationship set.
  • Choosing the arity of relationship sets.
  • The use of extended features such as aggregation. â–¶ Methodological considerations.

Attributes vs Entity Sets

  • Maintain additional information on it
  • Separate object
  • Can multiple employees have diff phone numbers : Can several of its kind belong to a single entity
  • Does it make sense to delete such an object
  • Can it be missing from some of the entity set’s entities?
  • Can it be shared by different entities?

Entities vs Relationship Sets
