PD11: Processes for Technical Report Writing
This course will help you develop the skills you need to write your first technical report, so that you can write quality technical reports throughout the rest of your career!
Deadlines / Schedule:
Unit 1: What is a technical report?
Assignment 1: Introduce Yourself to Your Writing Group Due.
Unit 2:
Assignment 2: Identify a Problem. Brainstorm 3 problems and draft some thorough notes about the scope, stakes, scenarios, and sources for these problems in your workplace. This may require you to do some light research.
Draft Technical Report:
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "BaseCommand.hpp"
class MockBaseCommand : public BaseCommand {
MOCK_METHOD0(execute, void());
TEST(BaseCommandTest, ExecuteTest) {
MockBaseCommand mockCommand;
EXPECT_CALL(mockCommand, execute()).Times(1);
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "BaseCommand.hpp"
class BaseCommandWrapper : public public MyBaseCommand {
explicit BaseCommandWrapper(const std::shared_ptr<base::EventManager> &eventManager, const std::string &cname, const std::string &chelp) : MyBaseCommand(eventManager, cname, chelp) {
// empty
bool execute() override {
return true;
TEST(BaseCommand, everything) {
// unit test code to test the BaseCommand file