Design Ideas

  • abstraction - levels of design Transistor, gatearchitecture behavior (Data Flow Graph)
  • parallelism to improve performance
  • common fast - optimize code in assembly
  • prediction:
  • memory hierarchy: small memory is faster, put it closer to processor.
  • testable/reliable

Bellow Your Program

Levels of Program Code

  • High-leve language
  • Assembly
  • Hardware representation
  • O/S loads the program
  • O/S starts the execution of the program: creates a “Process” (when it’s born)

Components of a Computer

  • Same components for all kinds of computer
    • Desktop, server, embedded
  • Input/output includes
    • Use-interface devices
      • Display, keyboard, mouse
    • Storage devides
      • Hard disk, CD/DVD, flash
    • Network adapters
      • For communicating with other computers


”X is n time faster than Y”

Performance / Performance = Execution time / Execution time = n

Make sure to put the smaller execution time in the denominator when comparing the performance of two processors.

  • Amdahl’s Law

    Execution time after improvement = [execution time affected by improvment / amount of improvment] + execution time unaffected

  • CPU execution time

    • cpu time does NOT inlcude time waiting for I/O or in OS waiting for tasks to be performed by CPU
    • clock frequency in kHz or MHz
    • CPI
    • MIPS
CPU execution time

= (# of clock cycles) (clock period) = (# of clock cycles) / (clock frequency) = [instruction] x [CPI] / [clock frequency]

MIPS = [clock rate] / [CPI 10]

  • Power
  • RISC
    • different from : CISC = comlplex instruction set computer
  • RISC-V core terminology:
    • coprocessor
    • accelerator
    • software running on RISC-V can run at a privilege level encoded as a mode
    • user and supervisor mode are for vconventional applicaiton and OS usage respectively

Exam question:

RISC stands for reduced instruction set computer : high performance Smaller memory is not slower. Piplining improves throughput Know a typical piplining example and parallelism example. RAM: random access memory SRAM: static, all data is gone, volatile, 6 of more transistor per bit dRAM: dynamic, also volatilve, 1 transistor per bit How many transistor for a register? 2 Cache is a small amount of memory.

What is on the Processor architecture known as Datapath: - SRAM - Flash: non-volatile, when pulling the plug out, the program is still there - OTP: One time programmable, “antifuse”

Main Memory Chip: - DRAM: contains more memory

HDD: - Secondary memory - non volatile because it is magnetic