Shell Commands

It is useful to know some of the most basic and commonly used shell commands.

  • cat
  • mkdir
  • cp
  • mv: move files or directories. similar to cp command but it deletes a copy of the file or directory from the source path.
  • rm: remove files or directories
  • touch create or update a file
  • grep: used to search for the specified text in a file

File Permissions Commands:

  • chown: change the owner of the file
  • chmod: modify the access / permission of a user
  • chgrp: change the group owner of the file

Basic Terminal Navigation Commands:

  • ls
  • ls -l
  • ls -a: lists of all files including the hidden files, add -a flag
  • cd
  • du: show disk usage
  • pwd: current working directory
  • man: show manual of any command present in Linux
  • tar