Long Answers CS343
External scheduling:
bool clientWaiting = false ;
bool taxiWaiting = false ;
L2: getTaxi
clientWaiting = true ;
xclient = x;
yclient = y;
clientId = id;
_When ( ! taxiWaiting) _Accept (getClient) {}
clientWaiting = false ;
L3: getClient
taxiWaiting = true ;
taxiId = id;
_When ( ! clientWaiting) _Accept (getTaxi) {}
taxiWaiting = false ;
x = xclient;
y = yclient;
Internal scheduling:
uCondition waitingTaxis, waitingClients;
L2: getTaxi
if ( ! waitingTaxis. empty ()) { // A taxi is available
xclient = x;
yclient = y;
clientId = id; // Store client details
taxiId = waitingTaxis. front (); // Get the taxi from the front of the queue
waitingTaxis. signalBlock (); // Unblock the waiting taxi
} else { // No taxis are available
waitingClients. wait (id); // Block the client and wait for a taxi
xclient = x;
yclient = y;
clientId = id; // Store client details once unblocked
L3: getClient
if ( ! waitingClients. empty ()) { // A client available
taxiId = id; // Store the taxi ID
waitingClients. signalBlock (); // Unblock the waiting client
} else {
waitingTaxis. wait (id); // Block the taxi and wait for a client
int waitingTaxis = 0 ; waitingClients = 0 ;
L2: getTaxi
void MapleLeafTaxi :: main (){
Taxi * taxiT[NoOfTaxi]; // here it's 5
// allocate taxis
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < NoOfTaxi; i ++ ) {
taxiT[i] = new Taxi ( * this , i); // assign id
for (;;) {
_Accept (close) {
break ;
} or _Accept (getClient or getTaxi) {
LocnClient * n = client. front ();
clients. pop_front ();
// Store location of client
xclient = n->x;
yclient = n->y;
// Find nearest taxi
list < LocnTaxi * >::iterator closest = nearestTaxi (xlient, yclient, taxis);
// Store the future taxi
n->ftaxi. delivery (closest->id);
delete n;
// unblock assigned taxi
closest->idle. signalBlock ();
taxis. erase (closet);
} // for
osacquire ( cout ) << "Closed for the day." << endl;
// outstanding taxis blocked
while (clients. size () != 0 ) {
LocnClient * c = clients. front ();
clients. pop_front ();
c->ftaxi. exception ( new Closed); // Notify clients that no taxis are available
delete client;
closed = true ; // // Mark the dispatcher as closed
// wait for remaining taxis
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NoOfTaxi; i ++ ) {
if (taxis. empty ()) _Accept (getClient); // wait for taxi
taxis. front ()->idle. signalBlock (); //??
taxis. pop_front (); // unblock with closed
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NoOfTaxi; i ++ ) delete taxiT[i];
External scheduling:
_Monitor Semaphore {
unsigned int cnt;
Semaphore ( unsigned int cnt) : cnt (cnt) {}
void P (){
if (cnt == 0 ) {
for (;;) {
_Accept (V) {
} _Accept ( try P ()){
} // for
} // if
cnt -- ;
bool tryP (){
if (cnt == 0 ) {
return false
cnt -- ; // why? didn't have it initially
return true ;
void P (Semaphore s) {
s. V ();
P ();
void V () {
cnt ++ ;
counter of a semaphore only goes from 0 to 1.
P(Semaphore s)
This sequence can occur in scenarios where:
A higher-level resource allocation must be made available (s.V()
Immediately after, the current process or thread attempts to acquire the resource (P()
). This could be because other tasks may also compete for the resource, and the code ensures the resource is claimed for use immediately after signalling availability.
Internal scheduling:
_Monitor Semaphore {
unsigned int cnt;
uCondition bench;
Semaphore ( unsigned int cnt) : cnt (cnt) {}
void P (){
if (cnt == 0 ) bench. wait ();
cnt -- ;
bool tryP (){
if (cnt == 0 ) return false ;
cnt -- ;
return true ;
void P (Semaphore s) {
s. signal ();
P ();
void V () {
cnt -- ;
bench. signal ();
External scheduling:
L1: // Don't need any variables
if (voters < group) _Throw Quorum ();
try {
for (;;) {
_Accept (done) {
if (voters < group) break ;
} or _Accept (vote){
} // for
} catch ( uMutexFailure ::RendezvousFailure & ){
} // try
if (voters < group) _Throw Quorum ();
Internal scheduling:
uCondition bench;
if (voters < group) _Throw Quorum ();
bench. wait ();
bench. signal ();
if (voters < group) _Throw Quorum ();
bench. signal ();
if (voters < group) bench. signal ();
void flush ( bool kind ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < votes. size (); i ++ ) {
votes[i] -> (kind ? new Quorum : new Closed);
} // for
votes. clear ();
void main (){
for (;;){
_Accept ( ~ TallyVotes){ // shutdown
break ;
} or _Accept (done) { // voter leaves
voters -= 1 ;
if (voters < group && voters. size ()) { // failure?
flush ( true ); // Quorum failure
} or _Accept (vote) { // voter
} or _Accept (tour) { //guide
if ( ! wguides. empty () && voters. size () > group) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < group; i ++ ){ //compute rank
add (voters -> [i]->ballot);
} // for
gtour = tally (); // computer vote
for ( int i = 0 ; i < group; i ++ ) { // put vote in futures
votes[i]->ftour. delivery (gtour);
delete votes[i];
} // for
votes. erase (votes. begin (), votes. begin () + group) // shorten
wguides. signalBlock (); // unblock guide
reset (); // reset vote counters
} // if
} // Accept
} // for
// Shut down and tell the tourists/guides to go home
closed = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < guides; i ++ ){
if (wguides. empty ()) _Accept (tour);
} // for
flush ( false ); // CLosed failure
External scheduling:
unsigned int winner;
bool shutdownStarted = false ;
TallyBets :: Payout TallyBets :: placeBet ( BetSlip slip ) {
if (shutdownStarted) _Throw Leave ();
try {
_Accept (done) {
} or _Accept (race) {
} or _Accept (placeBet) {
} catch ( uMutexFailure ::RendezvousFailure & ) {}
if (shutdownStarted) _Throw Leave ();
return tally (slip);
} // TallyBets::placeBet
void TallyBets :: race ( unsigned int winner ) {
TallyBets ::winner = winner;
} // TallyBets::race
void done () {
shutdownStarted = true ;
} // TallyBets::done
Internal scheduling
uCondition bench;
TallyBets :: Payout TallyBets :: placeBet ( BetSlip slip ) {
if (shutdownStarted) _Throw Leave ();
bench. wait ();
bench. signal ();
if (shutdownStarted) _Throw Leave ();
return tally (slip);
} // TallyBets::placeBet
void TallyBets :: race ( unisgned int winner ) {
TallyBets ::winner = winner;
bench. signal ();
} // TallyBets::race
void done (){
shutdownStarted = true ;
} // TallyBets::done
Automatic signal:
unsigned int numBets = 0 ;
TallyBets :: Payout TallyBets :: placeBet ( BetSlip slip ) {
if (shutdownStarted) _Throw Leave ();
numBets += 1 ;
WAITUNTIL (numBets == 0 , , );
if (shutdownStarted) _Throw Leave ();
EXIT ();
return tally (slip);
} // TallyBets::placeBet
void TallyBets :: race ( unsigned int winner ) {
TallyBets ::winner = winner;
numBets = 0 ;
EXIT ();
} // TallyBets::race
void done () {
shutdownStarted = true ;
} // TallyBets::done
struct Work {
BetSlip slip;
FPayout fpayout;
Work ( BetSlip slip ): slip (slip) {}
FPayout placeBet ( BetSlip slip );
Work * node;
list < Work *> students; // students waiting for race results
unsigned int numStuds;
TallyBets ( unsigned int numStuds): numStuds (numStuds) {}
TallyBets :: FPayout TallyBets :: placeBet ( BetSlip slip ) {
node = new Work (slip);
return node->fpayout; // why?
} // TallyBets::placeBet
// same as monitor
void TallyBets :: race ( unsigned int winner ) {}
// same as monitor
void TallyBets :: done (){}
void TallyBets :: main () {
for (;;) {
_Accept (done) {
break ;
} or _Accept (race) {
while ( ! students. empty ()) {
Work * n = students. front ();
students. pop_front ();
n->fpayout. delivery ( tally (n->slip));
delete n;
} // while
} or _Accept (placeBet) {
students. push_back (node); // store future
} // _Accept
} // for
// Students not waiting on futures.
unsigned int rem - numStuds - 1 - students. size ();
for ( unsigned int b = 0 ; b < rem; b += 1 ) {
_Accept (placeBet) {
students. push_back (node);
Work * n = students. front ();
students. pop_front ();
n->fpayout. delivery ( new Leave ());
delete n;
} or _Accept (done) {}
} // for
// Students waiting on futures
while ( ! students. empty ()) {
Work * n = students. front ();
students. pop_front ();
n->fpayout. delivery ( new Leave ());
delete n;
} // while
} // TallyBets::main
Write a counting semaphore using μC++ monitors that implements the semaphore lock
External scheduling:
void P () {
if (counter == 0 ) {
_Accept (V) {}
counter -- ;
void V () {
counter ++ ;
Internal scheduling:
uCondition bench;
void P () {
if (counter == 0 ) {
bench. wait ();
counter -- ;
void V () {
bench. signal ();
counter ++ ;
Internal scheduling with barging, using only routines wait() and signalAll():
int tickets = 0 ;
int servings = 0 ;
void P () {
unsigned int myticket = tickets; // select ticket
ticket ++ ; // advance ticket for next barger
while (myticket != serving) wait (); // my turn to go?
void V () {
serving ++ ;
signalAll ();
Automatic signal:
void P () {
WAITUNTIL (counter != 0 , , )
counter -- ;
void V () {
counter ++ ;