Nuremburg trials
The Nuremburg trials were held at Nuremburg by the Allies against representatives of the defeated Nazi Germany.
Public execution. Is it humane? Although Nazi Germany did invade Poland, Soviet Union, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, Greece. The invasions are most certainly accompanied with brutality, although I might even try to argue the Japanese were worst when it came to brutality. (How POW were treated as described in a lot of memoirs including The Railway Man that I am currently reading as of Sep11 2023).
Purpose of the trial was not only to convict the important surviving leaders of the Nazi Germany in the political, military and economic spheres, but also to assemble evidence of Nazi crimes, offer history lesson to defeated Germans.
Most defendants were charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity (I’ve seen this at Dawson in The Evolution of Human Rights class), and murder of Jews in the Holocaust.
Many committed suicide to avoid facing trials of war crimes, but I’ve seen a movie about Adolf Eichmann who did try to escape and hide. But aa group of clandestine operation in 1960 by Israeli commandos were able to capture and transport him to Jerusalem for trial.