Psycho (1960)
- Based on controversial film, which resulted in not enough support/money. Hitchcock pays for the film.
- Limited budget - shot in black and white.
- Herrmann uses only strings “black and white” score; featuers only string instruments which are flexible for different themes.
- Lower the cost.
- Pushes phrasing the drama, most cues tend to set a single mood and show little respons to what happens minute by minute.
- Cues use a single modd and do not change despite actions in the scene.
- The mood is bleak and has little emotional warmth.
Herrmann was very interested in Hitchcock’s intention on creating a black and white movie. He decides to create a black and white score. JUST STRINGS score. Monochromatic sound to it. Scene would change, but music will not. But your perception is that it also does. [Music plays what’s going on in her head.]
EX: Psycho 1: The Money
Short repetitive theme that fractures and cold long notes, used for psychological refinements.
Quiet but unsettling - represent Marion’s discomfort with the theft.
Grows slightly in intensity as she decides to take the money. EX: Psycho 2: Flight (Marion drives)
Music stays out of the way until she “escapes” the dealership.
Music enters as she makes her “escape”, drives away.
At first seems to play her fear at being caught.
But as she changes, music seems to play her fall to the “dark” side.
Music stays the same but holds different meaning as the scene progresses (paranoid dark). EX: Psycho 3 Norman
Norman’s theme uses two semitones; is not stable and cannot discern whether it is a major or minor.
- Instability to use semitones in a theme.
”Harmonics” are used without vibrato to enforce coldness and lack of emotions as Norman spies on Marion. (no emotion)
Creepy EX: Psycho 4 The Shower
No music until the attack: adds to anxiety, the absense of music.
No tonality - strings “shriek” - dissonant.
Whose theme as the murder flees the scenes?
- Norman’s theme plays as murderer leaves.
Part company during the filming of Torn Curtain (1964).
Bitter, he moves to Europe: Truffault: Fahrenheit 251 (1966).
Last movie is Taxi Driver (1975).
Hermann did not like popular music; parts ways with Hitchcock during the filming of Torn Curtain (1964)
Moves to Europe and writes for Fahrenheit 451 (1966).
Returns and works on his last film, Taxi Driver (1975).
Herrmann is a composer of the 20th century.
1960s: Turbulent period in America history: Civil rights, Vietnam War, Generational gap. Films in the 1960s:
- Early ’60s an extension of the 1950s.
- By mid ’60s the Production Code is abandoned.
- Cultural revolutoin of the late ’60s results in films with a strong sense of irony and cynicism, critiquing the ongoing war.
[Rise of the Independent production]
- End of the Studio System leads to freelancing/independent production.
- Cost escalates because of freelancers, resulting in scores for smaller ensembles or scores from pop music used.
- [Orchestral scores are less common!]
- While orchestral scores are still produced, cost factors lead to many smaller ensembles or popular music scores.
- Careers of European composers end, American composers rise along with second wave of European composers (non-emigre, were already film composers in Europe).
Changing of the guard - end of the careers of Steiner, Newman, Tiompkin. Rise of American composers such as Bernstein, Jerry Goldsmith, Heny Mancini.
Second Wave of European Composers: French - Maurice Jarre, English - John Barry, Italian: Ennio Morricone established themselves in Europe.
**During the 1960s: continuing growth of pop music influence and use of dissocnance/atonality.
Ennio Morricone (1928-2020)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
- use of sound effects, voices, and electric guitars: [first time electric guitar is used in a film score.]
Next up, we have John Barry Lecture 9 - MUSIC246…