
Midterm CS341

Midterm Feb 16 2024

  • Memorize Merge Sort and Quickselect.
  • BFS, DFS
  • Divide and conquer
  • Go over assignments and understand
    • What is going on with the median of medians problem
    • Apply BFS if it’s related to path, to compute connected components
    • A2Q4 wants us to use DFS to show that there is a unique path. Thus, we need to check if the edge has no forward and cross edge are discovered? yeah something like that
  • Read over the relevant sections in the textbook
  • Look over tutorials, do them and understand
  • Chapter 4 goes over how to solve common recurrences problems of the form described in 2.3.2
  • Memorize
  • Go over some textbook problems
    • 22.2-1
    • 22.2-2
    • 22.2-4
    • No time tbh

Midterm Thoughts

I definitely didn’t study as much. Got like 70%. Good enough considering a lot of people failed.