CS241 - Foundations of Sequential Programs

Warm-up Problem Why do we save and restore registers? Where registers are saved and restored by whom? Mostly for the previous

Still on Lecture 4 slides

Assembler Assembly File

No need to worry about else which is all the incorrect ERRORS

If you need to pass more than once, we need an immediate:

Summary of Passes

Bit shifting

Problem with two’s complements, when we change all the leading 0’s to 1’s. We can use “Masking” to get rid of the leading 1’s and only get the later 16 bits of information and leave the 16 bits.

How to output Bits in C++

Shift the bits of the character and output the first ones.

Formal Languages

Mentions Stacking Different membership of Languages: will learn all of them at some point

  • sdf

Talks about finite Languages