Proposititional logic Proof Theory Natural Deduction Semantic Tableaux
- Proving equivalence of formulas
- Logical laws
- Rules of thumb
- Relathionship between transformational proof and semantics
- Applications
Definition: Transformational proof (): a means of determining that two well-formed formulas of propositional logic, P and Q are logically equivalent by the (repeated) exhange of subformulas of P for logically equivalent subformulas that results in P being transformed into Q. Each step must follow a logical law.
Logical Laws
Rules of Thumb
- Eliminate implication and equivalence using the law of implication, the law of equivalence and the contrapositive law backwards.
- Simplify as soon as you can (simp1, simp2, idemp, neg, contr, lem).
- Sometimes use the various kinds of simplification backwards to prepare for using distributivity.
Can use by MAGIC.
Transformational Proofs and Semantics
Transformational proof satisfies the following:
- If PQ can be proved, then PQ (soundness of )
- If PQ, then P can be proved (completeness of )
Normal Forms
Every formula can be converted to an equvalent formula in CNF and DNF. The formulas consisting only of true or false are in both CNF and DNF.
Definition: A formula is conjunctive nortmal form (CNF) if it is a conjunction of one or more clauses, where a clause is a disjunction of literals or a single literal.
To see if a formula is not valid (not a tautology) in CNF, find one clause that does not have contradictory literals and it is not valid.
Definition: A formula is in disjunctive normal form (DNF) if it is a disjunction of one or more clauses, where a clause is a conjunction of literals or a single literal