
A database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed.


A large and persistent collection of metadata and data organized in a way that facilitates efficient retrieval and revision.

  • Instance: collection stored in a database at a particular moment
  • Schema: collection of data and design of it in the database as a whole

Data Models

A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics, and consistency constraints.

Data Abstraction

  • Physical level: how data are actually stored.

    • Commas to delimit the attributes of a record, special characters to delimit records, how tables are stored in file, etc.
  • Logical Level: what data are stored in the database, what are the relationships between those datas.

    • Requirement that the dept name value of an instructor record must appear in the department table is an example of such an interrelationship for example.
  • Physical data independence

    • You can change things in the physical metadata and it won’t change anything in the logical metadata.
  • Logical data independence

    • Refers to the ability to change the logical schema of a database without it affecting external schemas or application programs that use the database.

Database Design

  • Conceptual level
    • Early step in the process of database design where the schema that describes the data and relationships between them is drawn up.

Database Administration

Tasks and responsibility of database administration:

  • Management of physical schema
  • Assisting with external schema integration
  • Maintain ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) Transactions
  • Manage security and reliability
  • Loading and reformatting database