Laplace Transform

Initial Value Problem (IVP)

First seen in MATH213.

In Lecture 7, we’ve defined:

Definition 6: Piecewise Continuous

A function is piecewise-continuous on a given finite interval if

  1. has a finite number of discontinuities in that interval and
  2. for each discontinuity both the left and right hand limits exits (note they can be different values)

Theorem 2: Initial Value Theorem

If is a piecewise-continuous and converges for some then

Understand this theorem:

  • The above gives us a way of computing the IC of from without computing the inverse Laplace transform and instead evaluating a limit in the complex plane
  • is generally complex so the limit is in the complex plane NOT the real number line thus:
    • tends to infinity
    • can do anything (stay 0, oscillate, go to infinity, do random things, etc.)
  • For many problems we can treat the limit as the standard limit you are used to working with.