Glaciers and Deserts

Why study glaciers, ice, wind, and deserts in the same chapter?

  • All related to solar heat
    • It drives evaporation precipitation and glaciers
    • Differential heating between land and water winds
    • Seasonal temperatures, wind and climate deserts
  • Water, ice, and wind are all agents of change on Earth’s surface

Ice and Glaciers

Formation of Glaciers

  • Formation of a glacier occurs in a region where snow will remain year round

    • Snowfall >> Melting
    • High latitudes or high elevations
    • North-facing slopes in Northern Hemisphere and South-facing in Southern are best
  • From snow to glacial ice depends on compaction of snow over multiple seasons, reduction in air volume, and increase in density

  • Firn: snow that survives at least one winter; recrystallized into a material denser than snow because it has less air

  • Glacier: mass of ice moving under its own weight due to gravity

  • Heat from the sun is generally constant (but not distributed uniformly across the earth over time) locations of glacirs
  • Climatic factors may influence the global radiation budget, which impacts extents of glaciers and whether they can exist at all
    • Global cooling: ice will accumulate and build ice sheets and glaciers
    • Global warming: ice sheet retreat and glaciers get smaller
    • Factors that change climate: composition of the atmosphere (, , water vapor), pollution or particles suspended in the atmosphere, abnormal heat retention (or loss) from the oceans

Types of Glaciers

Two types based on size and occurrence

  • Alpine Glaciers
    • Also known as mountain or valley glaciers
    • Occur at high altitude (cooler temperatures)
    • Most numerous globally (70,000 - 200,000)
  • Continental Glaciers
    • Also known as ice caps or ice sheets
    • Occur near the poles (over land)
    • Larger, thicker (up to 1 km of ice), rarer
    • Contain far more ice than all Alpine glaciers
    • Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets

Ice Sheets

  • Antartica: an ice sheet averaging 2,160 m thick and reaching a maximum thickness of about 4km nearly covers almost 14,000,000 of Antartica
    • of all freshwater held here
    • of land not covered in ice (basically ice then bruh)
  • Arctic: the continental glacier in Greenland covers about 1,700,000 with a maximum thickness of about 3km
    • of land not covered in ice

Movement of Glaciers

  • Glaciers flow as plastic ice masses and at different rates; overall movement is down slope
  • Movement is slow when in contact with land and scarping the valley walls, either at the base or on sides
  • Movement is faster near surface and in middle
  • Net flow is downslope relative to underlying bedrock or the glacier surface when underlain by mountains
  • Meltwater helps it flow often

Glacier movement has a terminus (it ends)

  • Glaciers that encounter water will experience calving icebergs
  • If temperatures at terminus are warm, then melting or evaporation occurs
  • Ablation: processes by which glacial ice is lost
  • Equilibrium line: no gain or loss; Above snow accumulates, below ablation
  • Movement is slow and steady (10s m/y); surges are possible (10s of m/d).

  • Advance: glacier becomes thicker and longer (accumulation > ablation)
  • Retreat: ablation > accumulation

  • Some glaciers are advancing but most Alpine glaciers retreating
  • Greenland getting thicker in middle and melting more on edges Net loss of ice

Glacial Erosion

  • Glaciers leave evidence of their former presence
    • U-shaped valley Rocky Mountains in Colorado
    • Finger Lakes, New York, USA
  • Striations: rocks frozen into ice grinding along bedrock below
  • Abrasion: general erosion by scraping of ice or sediment
  • Plucking: Water helps the base of glacier freeze onto rock below and when glacier continues it will pluck/tear off bits of rock its frozen to
  • Cirque: bowl-shaped depression as a result of plucking at the head of the glacier

  • Arête: sharp edge between adjacent glaciers

  • Horn: single peak resulting from erosion of several glaciers

Glacial Deposition

  • All the sediment and rock debris eroded by the glacier tends to be carried with the glacier and deposited when the glacier melts/evaporates

  • Till: sediment deposited directly from the ice

    • Till is angular and poorly sorted
  • Outwash: till that is transported by meltwater and deposited elsewhere

  • Glacial drift: ‘A general term applied to all rock material (clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders) transported by a glacier and deposited directly by or from the ice, or by running water emanating from a glacier’. Till and outwash are varieties of glacial drift.

  • Moraine: landform made of till; different types of moraines exist

    • End moraine: ridge of sediment at the nose of the glacier added to repeatedly by the annual advances and retreats of a glacier
      • Terminal moraine: no longer active end moraine that marks furthest advance of a retreating glacier

When hiking in Alpine regions you will see many different types of moraines not covered in vegetation

Some moraines are still active, and others are not.

A Famous Terminal Moraine?:

How the Ice Age Shaped New York

Last Glacial Maximum

  • ~12,000 years ago North America was covered by ice
  • Glaciers responsible for most of area’s topography
  • Carving evident in western mountain ranges
  • Great Lakes carved by glaciers and filled with meltwater
  • Hudson Bay is a depression formed by weight of ice
  • Mississippi River and groundwater reserves formed by glacial meltwater
  • Glacial sediments formed fertile lands of midwest

Ice Ages and Possible Causes

  • Several periods of extensive continental glacial coverage (i.e., ice ages) have occurred even in the recent geologic past (from 2 million to 10000 years ago, Pleistocene)
  • Interglacial periods: when ice sheets retreat; currently, we are in an interglacial period
  • Possible causes can be from events on Earth or externally
    • Solar energy output or sunspot activity (not likely, hard to prove)
    • Breakup of Pangaea and isolation of poles (but only for Pleistocene ice ages)
    • Evolution of land plants and reduction in atmospheric
    • Intense volcanic activity with dust and sulfuric-acid emissions (data needed)
  • Best evidence available is for the Milankovitch Cycles of the Earth’s orbit around the sun
    • Shape of orbit varies every 100,000 years
    • Earth’s axial tilt varies every 41,000 years
    • Earth’s axis wobbles (precession cycle) every 26,000 years
  • All cycles would affect solar heat distribution globally
  • Climate records of temperature and sea-level variations suggest MC can account for advance and retreat but not initiation of an ice age

Wind and Deserts

Wind in Geologic Context

  • Air moves along the Earth’s surface in response to air pressure differences, which are often related to surface temperature differences (i.e., solar heating)
  • Movement complicated by the fact that land and water absorb heat differently (land varies more than water)
  • Air can erode, transport, and deposit material
  • Wind accounts for a minor amount of sediment erosion and transport, but regionally it is very important.

Wind Erosion

  • Wind erosion most effective on exposed sediments
  • Wind transport may be major or only means in deserts
  • Abrasion: wearing away of a solid object by impact of wind-blown particles, forming ventifacts, which are ‘wind-made’ rocks

  • Deflation: removal of loose (fine-grained) sediment by wind; leaves coarse ones behind
  • Vegetation blocks wind
    • Keeps fine-grained sediments
  • Desert pavement: larger rocks protect sand below; creates a stable surface
  • Dune: ridge of particle (sand commonly); principal feature of wind deposition
    • Sediment size deposition based on velocity
    • Once a dune starts to form, it acts as an obstacle to wind and collects more
    • Dunes can be 3 to 100+m high
    • Dunes can migrate with the wind direction
    • Particles move up shallower windwards side by saltation, then fall down the steep slip face

  • Loess: deposit of windblown silt (very fine grained, easy to carry)
    • Silt from glacial meltwater or deserts

  • Right side is South Island of New Zealand



Region with so little vegetation that limited life is supported

  • Sand or rock
  • Hot or cold
  • Dry or wet

Distribution of arid regions

  • Location of natural arid deserts mostly due to warmer temperatures and higher air pressures, both which allow the atmosphere to hold more water
  • Mostly occur near N&S where the air pressure is high, so it sinks and warms causing evaporation (i.e., drying the land the below)

  • Location of natural deserts may be due to topography
  • Air moving from the oceans inland carries water and is forced to rise and get colder rain
  • Most of the water is released on the ocean side and the back side of the mountain is left with dry air a rain shadow

  • Interior continental deserts result of distance from ocean
  • Coastal deserts occur where cool ocean air that holds more water abuts hot continents
  • West coast of South America and Africa
  • Polar deserts occur because air reaching poles is relatively dry and becomes even colder, holding more water
  • Limited evaporation from nearby oceans contributes to the little snow that falls there
  • Almost all of Antartica is a desert


Rapid development or expansion of deserts caused or accelerated by humans, mostly land use practices

  • Arid and semi-arid lands have limited rainfall and vegetation, which helps keep soils somewhat moist and protected from wind erosion

  • Vegetation may be cleared for food, shelter, energy livestock grazing, or to grow crops

  • Crops may not be resilient enough to survive a drought, which leads to desertification that can be irreversible