pocket ereaders

  1. don’t take advice/purchase from goodereader. they are notorious for several poor business practices and spreading misinformation
  2. resources for eink—- https://old.reddit.com/r/eink
  1. if you get a inkpalm 5, there’s a good chance that you’ll have to enable english on it through the command line. there are tutorials on how to do this

installing apps

because chinese devices doesn’t have google play services, you have to side load apps- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNQcnuIxdbI

additional resources

I have a post that’s tangentially related on how I setup my boox devices, my hisense touch is configured in a similar fashion—https://jvscholz.com/blog/boox.html

review of the hisense touch, and my experience with other devices

// please note that I have a video post regarding this subject, please see—https://youtube.com/jvscholz/

intro — being a tech enthusiast, who happens to enjoy reading, I constantly find myself scouring internet forums for information regarding the newest ereader tech, it’s one of my favourite consumer categories. the idea is that it will maximize the reading experience through sheer convenience, outstanding functionality, and strong flexibility. having a yearly goal of 52 books, the easiest it is to read, the likelier it’ll be that I complete my lofty goal. further, being someone who doesn’t carry a smartphone often, I strive to live intentionality and find that reading is one of my favourite intentional activities. the idea of a pocket ereader woos me wit the promise to fulfill all these desires.
thus the hunt began, starting with my first device the InkPalm 5.

hardware—the device is well-engineered and stoutly built. it’s built with intention, the hardware design is timeless. it’s handsome and free of quirks,


conclusions, and recommendations

apps that I use regularly—

  • aio launcher: my favorite android launcher
  • unlauncher: my second favorite android launcher
  • mAbook: fantastic audiobook player, unfortunately you have to install a cracked apk as purchasing the full version requires google play services
  • anki: i enjoy studying japanese and reviewing decks on my android devices
  • syncthing: useful for automatically syncing files between my computers and android devices
  • tachiyomi: great manga reading app
  • moon+ reader pro: pretty solid android e-reader app. not optimized for e-ink but works well enough. I’ve also tested koreader, which is optimized for eink, but find the interface displeasing. technically it’s a more powerful app, and it’s also open source—I should probably switch to koreader.
  • spotify: works as expected, interface is dark but usable

good entry level ereaders

  • InkPalm 5
  • Tecent Pocket 2
  • Hisense A5
  • Hisense A9 (not really entry level)
  • Hisense Touch