MATH 119: Calculus 2 for Engineering
Taught online (took it during COVID) by Zack Cramer.
I’ve basically took this course twice. Once at Dawson College (CEGEP) and again in Fall 2021 at Waterloo. However, the one at Dawson mostly covers what it refers to Cal 2 and the one at Waterloo goes on into Cal 3 topics.
Zack Cramer Lectures:
Elementary approximation methods: interpolation; Taylor polynomials and remainder; Newton’s method, Landau order symbol, applications. Infinite series: Taylor series and Taylor’s Remainder Theorem, geometric series, convergence test, power series, applications. Functions of several variables: partial derivatives, linear approximation and differential, gradient and directional derivative, optimization and Lagrange multipliers. Vector-valued functions: parametric representation of curves, tangent and normal vectors, line integrals and applications.