Hidden Premises

Ethymene: argument that contains a hidden premise, that contains unstated premises that are obviously true. Hidden premises: What is reasonable to choose as a hidden premise

  • Not the conclusion of the argument.
  • Choose some formulas where you still need to use all (or almoset all) the existing premises to prove the argument is valid.
  • Must be something that would be valid in every interpretation for this argument.
  • Often is a universally quantified formula.

What is a Theory?

Definition: A set of axioms (facts) about specific constants, functions and predicate symbols.

Axioms become premises of the argument we are trying to prove.

Model of the theory: an interpretation in which all the axioms of the theory are true.

Theory: Predicate Logic with Equality


Use symbol = for the equality predicate. Its argument must be terms. (This predicate describes equality of values.) a = b is an atomic wff. It can be used anywhere an atomic wff can be used in predicate logic formula.


Natural deduction rules

Semantics and counterexamples