Central Processing Unit: “Brain” of computer.

  • Registers: 31, hi, lo
  • Control Unit: Decodes instrs and dispatches
    • PC (Program Counter)
    • IR (Instruction Register)
  • Memory: MDR (Memory Data Register) and MAR (Memory Address Register)
  • ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit): Does arithmetic.

CPU with Memory

  • Bus: Data travels along the bus.
  • Memory of many kinds. From fastest to slowest:
    • CPU/registers (fastest)
    • L1 cache
    • L2 cace
    • RAM
    • disk
    • network memory (outside your local machine)

CPU State

  • Next place to fetch instruction from?
  • What operation
  • Instruction operands?
    • Within instruction
    • Registers (hold data within the CPU)
    • Outside the CPU: Memory