Elmer Bernstein

Lecture 7 - MUSIC246

  • Born in New York City during sound film era.
  • Studied at The Julliard School of Performing Arts (Aaron Coplan), (like Bernard Herrmann).
  • During the 1940s, he pursued career in concert pianist/composer: also worked in Armed Forces radio during the war.
  • First film work in 1952.
  • HUAC - 1953
    • House of Un-American activities Committee suspected entertainment industry have communist sympathies - Elmer suspected because of a record review published in Communist news letter.
    • After the war, fear of communism (Elmer got accused, alsmot went to prison, wiped out chances of big movie).
  • One of the few concert hall composers that had respect for film music.
  • He was forceed to do B-Movies: Cat Woman of the Moon (1953).

Travels to Hollywood with Wells in 1940