Priority Queue
A priority queue is an Abstract Data Type consisting of a collection of items(each having a priority) with operations:
- insert: inserting an item tagged with a priority
- deleteMax: removing and returning the item of highest priority
- deleteMax is also called extractMax or getmax.
- priority is also called key
Above definition is a maximum-oriented priority queue. A minimum-oriented priority queue is defined in the natural way, replacing operations deleteMax by deleteMin.
Applications: typical “todo” list, simulation systems, sorting
Using Priority Queue to Sort
Note: run-time depends on how priority queue is implemented
Sometimes written as:
Realization 1: unsorted arrays
- insert
- adding element at the end of the array or list
- deleteMax
- Finding and removing the max element from an unsorted array or linked list requires scanning through the entire array or list to identify the max element to remove. Note: we assume dynamic arrays Using unsorted linked lists is identical PQ-sort with this realization yields Selection Sort since the selection sort algorithm has an average and worst-case time complexity of .
Realization 2: sorted arrays
- insert
- Inserting an element requires finding the correct position, involves searching through the elements to find the right position. Worst-case, it requires iterating over all elements resulting in .
- deleteMax
- Max element is at the end, therefore removing max element can be done in constant time by simply deleting the last element. Using sorted linked lists is identical PQ-sort with this realization yields Insertion Sort time complexity similar to insertion sort algorithm which has an average and worst-case time complexity of but can be improved to in the best case for partially sorted input.
The choice of data structure realization for the priority queue affects the efficiency of PQ-sort algorithm and the resulting sorting algorithm.
- What operations must Priority Queue support?
- deleteMax/deleteMin
- insert
- Possible realization of PQ ADT?
- unsorted array
- sorted array
- linked list
- binary heap
- binary search tree
- ternary heap
- Vector