
What is a Volcano?

A volcano is “a vent in the surface of the Earth through which magma and associated gases and ash erupt; also, the form or structure, usually conical, that is produced by the ejected material.”

Magma Sources and Types

  • Recall: lava is magma (i.e., molten rock) that flows on the earth’s surface

  • Temperature should be high enough and pressure low enough to melt rock

    • Most magma originates in upper mantle (50-250 km deep in Earth)
  • Most volcanoes found in one of these 3 settings:

    1. Divergent boundary – oceanic and continental
    2. Convergent boundary – above subduction zones
    3. Hot spots (i.e., not associated with plate boundary)
  • Magma composition and physical properties dictate how the volcano erupts

  • Composition determined by the rock material that is melted and extent of melting

  • Raw materials and melting processes controlled by the tectonic setting

See Magma

Styles (and Locations) of Volcanic Activity

  • Fissure Eruptions
  • Hot spots
  • Shield Volcanoes
  • Cinder Cones and Pyroclastics
  • Composite Volcanoes

Fissure Eruptions

  • Eruption of magma from a crack in the lithosphere

  • Continental examples are often huge in area

    • E.g., Columbia Plateau of USA
    • E.g., in India and Brazil
    • Mostly dormant/extinct
  • Also, in oceans at spreading centers

  • ~70 000 km of submerged magmatic fissures

  • Most volcanic (igneous) rock formed at spreading centers

Hot Spots

  • In the middle of a plate, but not clear on why they occur

  • Could be heat from core/mantle boundary or radioactive hot spots Examples include

  • Hawaiian Islands

  • Galapagos Islands

  • Yellowstone National Park, USA

  • Majority of volcanoes we are familiar with lie along plate boundaries

Shield Volcanoes

  • Mafic lavas (low viscosity) flow easily and far; Not typically eruptive
  • Many long and steady lava flows create a broad, shieldlike shape – large area and relatively flat volcanoes
    • E.g., Hawaiian Islands

Cinder Cones and Pyroclastics

  • Cinder cones formed by lava that cools into a solid while being ejected pyroclastics (bits of erupted volcanic material)
  • Eruptions happen because of gases trapped in the lava (more likely from thick felsic lava)
  • Cinder cones: Small area; larger height relative to area; fairlly symmetrical

Composite Volcanoes

  • Built by multiple layers of material (lava flows and pyroclastics)
  • Intermediate type lavas that can flow and trap gas
  • World’s most dangerous volcanoes are of this kind
  • Larger than cinder cones but smaller than shield

  • Lava domes formed from slow-flowing rhyolitic (or andesitic) lavas oozing out of vent and staying close by to cool
  • Often formed in statovolcano craters after eruption
  • Indicative of explosions and possibility for more
  • Lava
  • Pyroclastics
  • Pyroclastic flow
  • Lahards
  • Toxic gases
  • Steam explosions
  • Landslides / Collapse
  • Secondary effects


  • Not most dangerous to life slow moving (< few km/h)
  • But is to property hot (>850 ) so cause fire, melting or turns to rock
  • Prevention: Don’t build near, but often fertile land
  • Prevention: Cool down the lava - Heimaey, Iceland, 1973
  • Prevention: Explosives to divert lava flow - Mt. Etna, Italy, 1983; Hawaii, 1935


  • Sudden, explosive eruptions that ca spread fast and far
  • Range of sizes: Large drop closer to vent; Ash can go 100 - 1000s km
  • Recall more felsic lavas are thicker and have more trapped gases

Major hazards due to pyroclastics:

  • Reduction in air quality
  • Burying of structures
  • Disruption to air travel

Pyroclastic Flows

  • Mixture of hot gases and fine ash that is much denser than air, very hot (>1000°C), and flows very fast down slopes (>100 kph)
  • How it forms: Above volcano hot gas lifts ash and magma droplets to mix with the air to form a cloud
  • When too dense the cloud collapses and flows down the slope
  • Can also form within in a crater and spill over the sides and down slope
  • Prevention: Not be in its path! If volcano is mildly erupting and has slightest possibility of a pyroclastic flow, then leave.

Mont Pelée, Martinique, 1902

  • Had been erupting for weeks but not posing danger
  • May 8, 1902 – pyroclastic flow leveled the town of St.Pierre and killed up to 40,000 people
  • Sole survivor was prisoner in a dungeon jail


  • Ash and water combine to create a fast-moving (sometimes hot) volcanic mudflow that clogs rivers and destroys much in its path
  • Source of water: rain or glacier / snow melt
  • Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 1991
  • Flooding may be more common after the lahar as rivers / streams remain clogged.

Toxic Gases

  • Water vapor and Carbon dioxide - largerst by volume; not toxic; CO2 can suffocate animals, plants, people
  • Carbon monoxide, various sulfur gases, hydrochloric acid, fluorine - poisonous
  • Released directly or from magma chambers into lakes, soils, basements

Steam Explosions

  • Phreatic eruption – large quantities of water (usually seawater) seep down through rock near to hot magma which turns water into steam and boils up out of a volcano

  • Krakatoa, Indonesia, 1883

  • Force of 100 million tons dynamite

  • Heard 3000 km away

  • Dust 80 km into atmosphere

  • Ash found in area of 750,000 km2

  • Tsunami 40 m high killed 36, 000

Landslides and Collapse

  • Volcanoes can become weak and unstable due to weathering
  • Result: Landslides or collapses can happen
  • Removal of material may lead to an eruption (e.g., Mount St. Helens)
  • Seaside collapses/landslides can cause tsuamis (e.g., Mt. Mayuyama, Japan, 1792 killed 15,000 people) Concern that past slides around island of Hawaii are indicative of more slides to come

Secondary effects: Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry

  • Dust in atmosphere from large explosions can last months to years

    • Global temperatures dropped by 0.5°C after 1883 Krakatoa eruption
    • 1816 ‘year without a summer’ after Tambora (Indonesia) 1815 eruption
  • Sulfuric-rich gases can lead to acid rain

  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2) mist can decrease incoming solar radiation

    • Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 1991 – average global temperature drop of 0.5C
    • Mist had spread worldwide, and USA had unusually cold summer in 1992

Issues in Predicting Volcanic Eruptions

  • Chaitén (Chile) erupted in 2008 after nothing for 9400 years
  • Pyroclastic flows destroyed the village of Chaitén and was not rebuilt

Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)

  • Characterize relative size of explosive eruption based on
    • Volume of pyroclastics
    • How high they rose into atmosphere
    • Length of eruption
  • Useful for predicting future hazards at a given volcano
  • Thought it could be used to predict impact on climate, but SO2 is a key factor

Volcanic Eruption Precursors

  • Seismic activity due to volcano
    • Or earthquake opens fissures of dormant volcanoes
  • Harmonic tremors – continuous, rhythmic
    • Mechanism not known
  • Bulging, tilt, or uplift of volcano surface
    • Eruption timing depends on overlying rocks
  • Changing mix of gases emitted – SO2 promising
  • Remote sensing of surface temperature may reveal rising magma
  • Lives have been saved because of precursors (evacuation)
    • Evacuated 80,000 people before Mount Pinatubo’s big eruption

Canada’s Volcanoes

  • 5 active regions in British Columbia and Yukon

  • 49 eruptions during the last 10,000 years

  • Most recent was 150 years ago at Lava Fork, northwestern B.C.

  • Last big explosive eruption was 2350 years ago at Mount Meager (ash later seen in geology)

  • Ash layers in Alberta from various volcanic eruptions

  • Tiny pieces of igneous glass and pumice

  • Mount Mazama - one of the largest eruptions in the last 10,000 years

  • Destroyed volcano and left behind Crater Lake in Oregon

  • Ash found as far away as Greenland