Outline 3 min

Avril Chen Presentation Title: Investigating Language and Meaning Audience: The class Presentation Purpose: “My experience and definitely certain people’s experience with social media language”


Start with asking a question to the class, text/messages/emails received in the morning. Tell how life was simpler, with less distration back in the days, in contrast to now how everything happens to a high pace.


  • Fast = how language evolved on social media, since we want to be efficient, we have invented abbreviations, slangs, emojis to communicate online.
    • created this generation gap between us and our parents, feel this gap too as I am not on social media.
      • relate to Patricia Ryan’s point on importance of communication across generations. how there is a wide gap.
    • give example of my roommates educating me on the usage and meaning of the word lol.
    • not understand tiktok memes that my friend would make.
    • Felt the same way as Young did in The Barbeshop, also felt the need to mimic my peers
      • example with texting back the same way, use same language or convention.


Stay true to yourself and communicate/use the language you are the most comfortable while navigating the online world.